SEO | Tips for your Party Business

I am sure you have heard it all before, the ‘I can get you to the top of Google Instantly’. Anyone promising this is a big red flag, SEO is a long game and you can’t expect to see instant results. Google is amazing, but it has a lot of sites to index and re-rank, don’t worry your hard work will pay off.

These tips work best for Squarespace, you know we love Squarespace!

Page Titles:

We see so many businesses have their business name as their page title only, you are literally wasting valuable SEO by not optimizing these titles. Your title should look a little like this; Kids Entertainers London | Hire a Princess | Your Business Name. Define the area of where you offer your services and exactly what you do.

Page Descriptions:

Find your Page Title/Descriptions by clicking on the gear icon next to your page in your Pages area.

Squarespace does a great job of providing an easy way to change your page descriptions and you must utilize this! Your page description should include various keywords styled in a paragraph format. Try thinking about the words your parents would be searching, then create a paragraph that talks directly to them.
Looking to hire a face painter for your next kids’ birthday party? Our London entertainers are here to work our magic for a fun party experience.

Site Title:

You know when you uploaded your logo to your Squarespace site, did you add a title too? If you didn’t you are wasting another opportunity to boost your SEO. Again lets use our keywords here:
Your Business Name | Balloon Artist Hire London

Optimize your images:

Firstly, let’s make sure those images aren’t too big as the loading time can affect your SEO. Secondly, let’s make sure we name those images as keywords and utilize your IMAGE ALT TEXT. To find your image’s alt text, once your image is uploaded you will see it gives you a chance to add a link and your alt text. Here post your keywords, again making sure you are clear and what you offer.

Check Google’s Spam Policies;

Before you launch your website, be sure to make sure it doesn’t have any of these. I see a lot of clients using outdate techniques as keyword stuffing, please be careful with this as you will be penalized for it!

Websites are more than just good SEO.

While we implement everything we have just talked about (and more!) on our website, good SEO may get people on your site but will they stay? We design cleverly crafted websites that are professional and captivating, bad/cheap design will effect your client’s experience!

We hope these tips help with your Squarespace website but don’t forget good Seo can take around 3-6 months to take effect. Your site needs to be re-index by Google, so track your progress but give it time.


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